Does your home
impact your well-being?
- Are you suffering from persistent health problems such as sleep disorders, lack of vitality, depression, or chronic diseases?
- Do you know how much radiation you are exposed to from mobile phone masts in your area or from your neighbour’s or your own use of wireless technologies?
- Are you unknowingly living / sleeping above harmful earth energies that may be the cause of your discomfort and ill-health?
- Did you begin to experience problems with your partner, your children, your finances, your overall well-being and happiness after moving into a new home?
EMF assessments & Vastu Shastra Consultancy
My services and solutions

Discover what types and intensities of electrosmog from internal and external sources you are exposed to and learn about effective shielding solutions that will help protect the health of your family.
I assess and mitigate:
- Radiofrequencies (RFs) – Wifi
- Electric & Magnetic Fields (EMFs)
- Electromagnetic Interferences (EMIs)

Discover if certain high use areas in your building, in particular your bedroom, are affected by harmful earth energies or Geopathic Stress that can permeate any building structure many storeys up.
I assess and optimise:
- Underground water courses & veins
- Geological fractures & faults
- Geomagnetic gridlines

Discover how timeless Vedic design principles can turn your home into a beautiful, energetically healthy and uplifting living space that will help you and your family thrive in all aspects of life.
I assess and optimise:
- Floor plan of property & surroundings
- Direction & function of rooms
- Interior Design, colour & materials
Your Consultant
“The topic of healthy living is of interest to everyone. Along with regular exercise and good nutrition, we are attempting to get enough sleep, practice mindfulness, manage stress and have meaningful relationships.
To be well, however, also means living in an environment that nurtures our well-being, yet only a few look to their indoor spaces, where they spend the majority of their time, as a trigger to their health or other issues.
In recent years, outstanding work has been done by Building Biologists to promote the use of more natural, non-toxic building materials, to improve indoor ventilation, air & water quality, access to natural light and to reduce EMF exposure, which is a key component of my work as well.
In my consultations, I investigate a wide range of parameters that help me determine whether a building energetically nourishes and uplifts it’s occupants, or drains their vital energy and makes them ill.
My unique approach of Geobiology consolidates modern science & technology, ancient Vedic wisdom, my passion for beautiful built environments & my intuitive ability to sense the energy quality of physical spaces.
Oftentimes, with only a few simple, cost effective solutions I can help my clients achieve outstanding results.”

Energy, Frequency and Vibration
is the Language of Existence!
Make a start!
A healthy life begins at home
I always advise my clients to start with those high use areas such as bedrooms, nurseries and home offices. Whether it is an existing house or an apartment or a property you wish to rent or purchase, it is important to assess if the external and internal living spaces are conducive to good health, harmonic relationships and produce an optimum level of well-being.

I place particular importance on reducing the exposure to artificial EMFs and Geopathic Stress in high use areas like bedrooms. This will optimise the sleep quality of your entire family and ensure that all vitally important regenerative healing processes can take place during the night. After all, SLEEP IS OUR BEST MEDICINE, and we spent one-third of our life sleeping or attempting to do so.
Also in Vastu Shastra, the bedroom is considered a major health zone. By correcting the location, layout, interior design and furniture placement (in particular the facing direction of the bed) I can harmonise any energy imbalances that may disturb your nervous system and keep you from entering a state of total relaxation.
Reducing the amount of ‘electrosmog’ from your office space will dramatically improve the quality of your working day. A healthy office reduces regular headaches, stress and anxiety, mental fog and fatigue. It will help you maintain a relaxed, creative and productive atmosphere for hours on end, without zapping your vital energy.
In my EMF assessments I advise on how technology can be used wisely without causing negative biological effects, while in my Vastu Shastra Consultations I give easy to follow design guidelines on how to set up a productive workspace that is filled with good vibes.