Natural EMF Radiation
The good and the bad
The earth and it’s energy fields which are responsible for the health and growth of the natural kingdoms have intrigued man since ancient times. Earth energies can be good, bad or neutral. The good one’s affect the energy balance of our bodies positively. However, when their natural strength and flow is interrupted, the plants and trees above them won’t thrive, animals won’t graze or rest and humans will not sleep well and suffer serious ill-health.
Our ancestors were fully aware of the existence of harmful ‘earth rays’. The Chinese called them ‘dragon veins’ also known as underground ‘ sha’ energy in the Feng Shui tradition or as ‘black streams’ by the early European Geomancers. They integrated this knowledge in their architectural and urban design processes and generally refused to build on geopathically disturbed zones.

geopathic stress
A natural phenomenon
Geopathic Stress (GS) is a phenomenon that occurs when the natural frequency of the earth becomes disturbed or amplified through weak electromagnetic fields created by underground water courses, faults, fractures, mineral deposits, geomagnetic grid lines or by man-made features.
Geopathic stress itself is not the cause for specific diseases, but rather lowers the immune system, brainwave function and hormone release of anyone spending prolonged periods of time in geopathically disturbed rural or urban zones. The most common symptoms that are occurring in the early stages of exposure are sleep disturbances, especially in young children.
I assess the following sources of Geopathic Stress:

Underground Water Courses
When water flows in various speeds and amounts through pervious ground, fractures and fissures, it takes with it decomposition products, metallic particles and ions that can produce extremely strong electromagnetic fields. The radiation emitted rises vertically above the underground water courses, penetrates any building material often many stories up, and over time causes many deleterious health effects on humans, animals and plants.

Geological Faults & Fractures

Global Geomagnetic Grids
The process
In order to detect the smallest vibrational changes that may occur in the natural electromagnetic environment of any land and built environment I use the traditional practice of dowsing, also referred to as ‘water divining’ or ‘radiesthesia’. The rods are typically held in a position of unstable equilibrium, so that a small movement gets amplified into a big movement.
Ideally, every plot of land should be surveyed for geopathic stress before houses, offices, schools, hospitals and animal shelters are constructed.
A pre-built assessment can help clients and architectural designers make important decisions concerning the layout of buildings, so as to avoid constructing important areas, where people and animals spend significant periods of time, over harmful earth energies.
Within existing buildings I will detect any geopathically disturbed zones and advise on the rearrangement of furniture in the main sleeping, living, and working areas or should space be limited offer effective shielding solutions that will mitigate those harmful earth rays in your environment.
Underground water veins or streams as well as crossing geomagnetic gridlines are perhaps the most dangerous types of geopathic stress causing a deprivation of regenerating sleep that can lead to many debilitating diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism and even cancer.

” Any value above 7.83 Hz, which is the natural frequency of the earth’s magnetic field (Schumann Frequency), can create a greater susceptibility to viruses, bacteria, parasites, environmental pollution, degenerative diseases and a wide range of health problems because our immune system is compromised in the geopathically stressed zones. ”
Baron Gustav Freiherr von Pohl
GEOpathic Stress Awareness
Health effects
Please note that the severity of health effects can vary from person to person and depend on the geopathic stress type, intensity and duration.
The most commonly found symptoms after prolonged exposure or in highly sensitive people are as follows:
- Sleep disturbances / Insomnia / Day-time sleepiness / Bed wetting in children / Babies crying or rolling around in their cot frequently
- Headaches/ Migraines
- Mood Disturbances / Irritability / Panic attacks / Depression
- Neck, back & joint pains
- Swollen legs / Varicose Veins
- Fatigue / Low energy levels / Restlessness / Poor concentration
- Low immune system
- Resistance to treatments & healing
- Chronic degenerative and neurological diseases
- Infertility
- Cancer (Cancer cells are radiation seekers)

Visual Signs of Geopathic Stress
- Areas of your land where trees or plants don’t grow or show obvious signs of distress or decay
- Areas of your land/house that attract radiation seekers such as ants, wasps, snails, spiders and even cats. (dogs, chickens, pigs, cows, horses, swallows and storchs are radiation avoiders)
- Cracks in brick walls or concrete foundations
- Areas of the house that feel extremely cold or damp (due to a higher water table or the presence of underground water veins)
- An increased production of microbes which encourages the growth of mould and rot
- History of illness within the family or previous owners / tenants

don’t forget !
Protect your animals
Since all life is electromagnetic, animals are affected by EMFs in the same way humans are. Many of our pets spend significant periods of time at home and taking steps to protect them from harmful EMF pollution, especially in their sleeping area, will give them a happier, healthier and longer life.
Animals cannot simply tell us if they are suffering. It requires our full attention and sensitivity to recognise any abnormal behavioural and physical problems they may be experiencing.
We must be particularly mindful of animals living in cages, kennels, stables, etc. that have little or no alternative of avoiding exposure from harmful electrosmog or geopathic stress.